Coming This Spring!

Will you be on the Downtown Edmonton Map Art?

Do you have a hospitality, retail, or recreation business in Downtown Edmonton?
Would you like your business to be listed on the 2025 Downtown YEG Fun Map?


About the Downtown YEG Fun Map

Promoting Local Community and Business

The Downtown YEG Fun Map was created with a vision to bring visitors to Downtown Edmonton businesses that drive the economy at the heart of the city.

The map will be published into printed form and circulated to tourist information centres, local businesses, hotels, and airports. The Downtown Edmonton fun map will be available for free.

The map will have advertising space available for any Downtown Edmonton business or organization who would like to promote to visitors and others looking for hospitality, shopping, recreation, and services.

 Edmonton fun map

The Power of Printed Map Art

In Hand is Always Handy
 Edmonton fun map

An illustrated map that is printed and folded is a great way to promote local businesses, parks, and attractions. Illustrated in a fun and imaginative way, the printed fold out map is a powerful promotional tool. It also gives the user instant in the hand or pocket access to information about the area. It is especially handy because the illustrated Downtown Edmonton Fun Map never drops a wifi connection, never runs out of battery power, and never asks for a password.

A printed map in hand is always handy and will be the go to map for visitors and locals exploring the area. The Downtown Edmonton Fun Maps will be displayed for free in many places such as a retail or hospitality, tourist info centres, shopping malls, travel agencies, airports and bus terminals ect.

In addition to this we have created a online version of the map with information and links to your business.

Bonus Online Map Art

Your Info at a Finger Tip

Your business listing and location will also appear on the online version of the map for free.

Downtown YEG Fun Map will be online for folks who prefer accessing it on their device, or dont have access to a printed map. The printed map will have the online map URL as well as QR codes linking directly to the online map.. Your free listing and location on the online map will include a pop up card showing your business name, info, and links to your website, and directions right to your door.

Your listing with the online version of the map comes completely free with your purchase of any ad on the printed map.

Preview Downtown YEG Fun Map here!

 Edmonton fun map

Will You Be On The Downtown YEG Fun Map?

Published Spring 2025